Guest Blog
Guest Blogger: Coping and Triggers by Kathy Page
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
If there is a common thread between all people who suffer
with WED/RLS, it is that it affects us all differently. How strange is that? Medications that work wonderfully for some cause real problems for others or don’t work at all. Some get relief from massage, reflexology,
hot/cold baths, and exercise. For others
none of that helps. Some individuals have it
in their legs, some in their arms, feet, torso and arms. Some have great doctors, friends and family
that understand and some don’t. But the one constant is that it is horrible and
there is no cure.
Because of all the differences, it seems like we have no
real control over this disease. Instead,
it controls us and every aspect of our lives. We never know when it will hit, how bad it will be or how long it will
last. But there is one thing we can do
to gain some control; educate ourselves.
The first place to
start that educational process is to know yourself. Learn the signs that
indicate an attack of WED/RLS. Keep
track of things that can trigger symptoms, such as caffeine, antihistamines,
alcohol or stress. Be aware of problem areas for you and avoid them if
possible. Learn how to cope with the
attacks; what will help with the symptoms or how to keep occupied when an
attack happens.
There will be a webinar on April 22 that will provide more
information about triggers and coping. It isn’t too late to sign up and learn more. Sharing ideas on how WED/RLS affects us and what
we do to get by will benefit all of us. The more we learn about WED/RLS the
less control it has on our lives. That’s
the first step in our fight against this disease.