
The WED Foundation's posters at the 2014 SLEEP meeting in Minneapolis, MN

Last fall more than 1,600 WED Foundation members participated in the Patient Odyssey Survey which took an in depth look at the effects that...

Last fall more than 1,600 WED Foundation members participated in the Patient Odyssey Survey which took an in depth look at the effects that WED/RLS has on lifestyle and emotional health of patients and their partners.  At the annual SLEEP meeting in Minneapolis in June 2014, Dr. Becker and Dr. Ondo, WED/RLS experts who are on the Foundation's Medical Advisory Board, will present the survey results. SLEEP meeting participants will have the opportunity to review and discuss the survey results with the WED Foundation leading experts.

The data from the survey confirmed that the quality of life for both the individual with WED/RLS and their spouse/partner is seriously impacted.  Individuals with WED/RLS and their partners experienced disturbances in their sleep, mood, productivity, and the ability to participate in social/leisure activities.  Though it will not be a surprise for individuals who suffer from WED/RLS, the survey presents a comprehensive picture that goes beyond anecdotal reports.

The WED Foundation survey respondents confirmed the need for greater awareness and understanding of the disease condition among physicians, the public and in the media.  According to the survey, for people suffering from WED/RLS, educating physicians about the available treatment options and creating long term disease management plans were a priority. These are the very priorities that the WED Foundation embraces and supports. 

The Foundation thanks our members for participating in the survey and providing valuable information for the SLEEP meeting poster presentations.  The active involvement of our members will continue to ensure that important data is collected and analyzed by experts and shared with people affected by WED/RLS.  Education and increased awareness among sleep physicians and researchers will positively impact the lives of men, women, and children living with WED/RLS.  

SLEEP meeting info can be found at: http://www.sleepmeeting.org

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