RLS Awareness Day 2015

TOP 10 WAYS TO CELEBRATE Change your Facebook picture to the ‘RLS Awareness Day’ image that the Foundation has posted on our Faceboo...


  1. Change your Facebook picture to the ‘RLS Awareness Day’ image that the Foundation has posted on our Facebook page. If you do, you will be entered to win an RLS T-shirt! The person with the most likes wins a Bravelet. https://www.bravelets.com/bravepage/restless-legs-syndrome
  2. Write a letter to the editor to your local newspaper or TV station about your experience with RLS.
  3. Get a friend to ‘like’ the RLS Foundation Facebook Page or follow us on Twitter.
  4. Order your RLS Bravelet! Each Bravelet sold in support of RLS is a $10 donation to the Foundation!  Use code: RLS2015 for a 10% discount during September (excludes charms)
  5.  Become a Support Group Leader! Email Chiara at chiara@RLS.org for more information on volunteering.
  6. Be a guest blogger by writing a personal story or creating an art image to share with the RLS community. Submit your story to us here or share your image by emailing info@rls.org and title the email Guest Blogger Request.
  7. Offer old issues of your Nightwalkers to your local library or Dr.’s office for their magazine rack.
  8. Download, print and post RLS posters in your community (schools, church, grocery stores, library, community centers and other billboard areas).
  9. Ask a friend or family member to join in on a free monthly Foundation webinar
  10.  Submit to us what you did for Awareness Day and receive your RLS Awareness Day badge! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RLS_Awareness2015

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