
RLS Awareness Day - September 23rd

September 10, 2019 Eight Ways to Raise RLS Awareness During September RLS Awareness Day is just around the corner, Monday September ...

September 10, 2019
Eight Ways to Raise RLS Awareness During September

RLS Awareness Day is just around the corner, Monday September 23! Here are some ways YOU can make sure others are #RLSAware this year!

1. Refer your doctor to www.rls.org/PhysicianEd to learn more about RLS.
2. Like, share and comment on RLS Foundation messages that inspire you on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.
3. Support others in your community by starting an RLS Support Group in your area.

4. Add this year’s Awareness Day image as your profile picture on Facebook.
5. Watch a webinar with a friend or family member to better understand RLS.
6. Add this RLS AWARE poster to your workplace, community center or library.
7. Remember to “pay it forward” with a gift membership by going to www.rls.org/pay-it-forward.
8. Enjoy 15% off RLS merch during all of September at www.rls.org/shop.

Whatever you do this year to spread awareness, be sure to share it with us by emailing info@rls.org. You can also tag us in your social media posts by using the hashtag #RLSAware when posting your photos!

To find the downloadable version of this poster, click here: https://www.rls.org/poster

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